Once upon a brand…

People have always told stories. Stories are how we make sense of the world around us. Businesses have always told stories too; it’s nothing new. It’s what we do with those stories that’s evolving. Look at the world around us. Society is made up of millions of stories. We live, breathe and tell them all the time.

Take a look at the evolution of storytelling through the eyes of the coffee drinker.

The early years…

Notice how this Folger’s ad very much reflects 1950’s society. Here Folger’s present themselves as the all-knowing hero, coming to the rescue of the poor American housewife (instant coffee wasn’t yet available in the UK).  

Now, take a look at the coffee ad below from the 1990’s and see how the story evolved. 

 The story continues…

Notice how the only real difference between this Gold Blend ad and the Folger’s ad made decades earlier is the society it reflects. Gone are the traditional 1950’s husband and wife. Replaced with our post-yuppie power couple.

Also unchanged is how the coffee brand is still portraying itself as the hero that will bring the two lovers together.  

Finally, take a look at how Kenco told it’s story in this coffee ad from 2014.

Stories are evolving…

Notice that no-one drinks a cup of coffee in this final ad. In fact, there’s not a coffee cup in sight. 

By sharing the story of Coffee vs Gangs, Kenco let you into their world and show you what they believe…and what you’ll be contributing to if you buy their coffee. 

You might not realise it, but they just made YOU the hero of the story by giving you the power to change the lives of young people living near their coffee plantations. You’ll also get to enjoy their coffee.


Are you a storyteller or a story changer?