Goodbye broadcast, hello conversation
Most brands have yet to fully embrace the digital age.
Our phones go everywhere with us.
The old fashioned image of Dad sloping off to the lav with a copy of today’s newspaper is long gone. These days it’s not just Dad who sits on the loo and reads today’s news. Mum does too. Mum, Dad, your brother, your sister... everyone, maybe even you.
That’s the level of access your phone has to your life.
But most organisations still haven’t caught onto this yet. They stay obsessed with how they look and remain oblivious to the types of wonderful conversations they could be having with their customers.
What about you?
Do you tie yourself in knots, trying to work out how to make your company look better and more attractive than anyone else?
If you do this, please stop now.
With this new level of intimacy, your messaging needs to be far more personal than it has ever been. Now that you know this, what type of conversations could you be having with your customers?
These kind of conversations can’t be designed… only written.
And that’s where your Brand New Story® comes in.
Want to know more? Book your FREE Brand New Story Discovery call.